With these six symphonies dedicated to Baron Van Swieten, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach multiplied the most advanced outbursts of instrumental and expressive genius. Entirely devoid of sentimentality and gratuitous extravagance, they open the doors to both Viennese Classicism and its immediate successor: Romanticism. It was only natural that, after tackling Haydn and the Esterházy Princes, Amandine Beyer and Gli Incogniti should investigate this repertoire in which, once again, aristocratic patronage lies at the heart of musical creation.
What our musicians think about...
❝A musician cannot move others if he himself is not moved
Sound recording: Alban Moraud, assisted by Aude Besnard
Recording: November 2019, Théâtre d’Arras (France)
Harmonia mundi musique s.a.s
HMM 905321
Aurianne Skybyck, film production
Amandine Beyer, violin and conducting
Yoko Kawakubo • Flavio Losco • Vadym Makarenko • Corinne Raymond-Jarczyk • Alba Roca • Katia Viel • Helena Zemanova, violins
Marta Páramo • Ottavia Rausa, violas
Marco Ceccato • Rebeca Ferri, violoncellos
Baldomero Barciela, violone
Anna Fontana, harpsichord